Expanded PTFE Joint Sealant is a kind of novel material which be adopted inique handicraft, it is white pure PTFE product with continuous banding, it has good flexibillity peculiarty, encapsulate resilience, resistant, resistant high & low temperature and excellent resistsnt corrosion, no aging, lubrication it suitable for feild of petrochemichal, medicine, petrifaction, grocery, electron nuclear power, vessel, etc. 
Expanded PTFE Joint Sealant adalah sejenis bahan baru yang diadopsi secara unik kerajinan tangan, ini adalah produk PTFE putih murni dengan pita kontinu, bagus kekhasan fleksibilitas, merangkum ketahanan, tahan, tahan tinggi & rendah suhu dan ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik, tidak ada penuaan, pelumasan itu sendiri. cocok untuk bidang petrokimia, obat-obatan, membatu, bahan makanan, elektron tenaga nuklir, kapal, dll.

Characteristic :
Joint Sealant is a PTFE product by a new method and is safe even under a severe corrosive environment and is a versatile gasket that can seal simply and economically. 

Technology parameter : 
working temperature : - 268 ºC - +316 ºC
Working Pressure : < 20 Mpa
Density : 0.6 - 0.8 g/cm3
Standard Size :
3mm x 1,5mm, 5mm x 2mm, 7mm x 2,5mm, 
10mm x 3mm, 12mm x 5mm, 16mm x 5mm,
17mm x 6mm , 20mm x 7mm,  25mm x 5mm
50mm x 3mm

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