Insulating Gasket Kit

Flange Insulation Gasket Kits Flange Insulation Gasket Kits are designed to maintain the intregrity & realibility of the pipeline & piping system through safety & corrosion protection. It also provide and effective seal & electrical isolation of flanges by eliminating metal to metal contact, static currect is halted to prevent corrosion % aid in the cathodic protection of the pipe. Construction of high quality materials that have a high dielectric constant and low water absorption, our kits are available for all size flange, ranging from 1/2" to 60" in all ANSI & API standard.

full-faced gaskets with the same outside diameter as the flange and precision cut bolt holes. The design facilities proper alignmeter of the gasket during installation & foreign material is prevented form shoting flange insulation. Available in plain face or neoprene face phenolic as well as a variety of hight temperature materials. 

It's made to fir the raised face portion of the flange only. As there are not bolt holes in this type, the inside diameter of bolt hole circle is slighty smaller than the outside diameter if the gasket, assuring an exact, automatic positioning of the gasket.

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